5 Sep, 2023

Hamdan bin Mohammed Photography Award Honours the Humanity of Photography in the New Issue of ‘HIPA Magazine’

A special issue of the ‘Nature’ season in both languages showcases the transition from hobby to business stage

              Bin Thalith: The cover story celebrates International Day of Charity, and is dedicated to the influential role of photography and its power to make a positive impact on humanity as a whole

              Bin Thalith: We engaged in discussions about pioneering experiences, exceptional creativity, and have shed light on numerous outstanding talents in the world of photography

              Gabi Hollows: The Fred Hollows Foundation is excited to collaborate with HIPA Magazine to address avoidable blindness through the power of photography

 5 September 2023

The General Secretariat of the Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) has officially announced the release of the latest edition of the 'HIPA Magazine.' Published in Arabic and English, the magazine will be available for direct download from the official HIPA website,, and can be easily shared across various social media platforms in a user-friendly PDF format.

The latest issue of the magazine spotlights HIPA's 'Nature' season, offering an in-depth look at photographic success stories, including the captivating narrative behind the Grand Prize-winning photograph of the current HIPA season, captured by British photographer Henley Spiers.

His Excellency Ali Khalifa bin Thalith, the Secretary-General of HIPA and Editor-in-Chief of HIPA magazine, commented, "We remain committed to this ambitious and knowledge-sharing project, made possible through the exceptional efforts of the dedicated HIPA team. Our aim is to promote and convey the true essence of photography. In this publication, we've explored various ideas, schools of thought, and trends within the field of photography, both at the local and international levels. Furthermore, we've engaged in discussions about pioneering experiences, exceptional creativity, and have shed light on numerous outstanding talents in the world of photography, not only within the UAE but also across different regions worldwide."

Bin Thalith added, "In this edition, we've focused on the winning entries from the 'Nature' season, providing insight into the hard work and dedication behind these success stories. We understand the profound impact such stories have on amateur photographers, inspiring and motivating them while instilling hope and self-confidence. Additionally, we've included a special feature addressing a concern shared by photographers of all backgrounds—the transition from being a hobbyist to becoming a 'business' photographer. The cover story celebrates the International Day of Charity, and we've dedicated it to photography communities worldwide, encouraging them to further comprehend the influential role of photography and its power to make a positive impact on humanity as a whole."

Gabi Hollows, Founding Director of The Fred Hollows Foundation, said, “The Fred Hollows Foundation is excited to collaborate with HIPA Magazine to address avoidable blindness through the power of photography. The photographs have been captured by Australian-based photographer, Michael Amendolia, who has worked with The Fred Hollows Foundation over the past 30 years. I think Photographers play an important role in the humanitarian and development sectors.  Working in collaboration with like-minded organizations such as HIPA enables us to have a greater impact in addressing avoidable blindness by help audience to understand the profound impact of restoring sight and transforming lives. As the saying goes ‘a picture tells a thousand words’.”

Hollows added, “The photographer’s eyes are a powerful asset to tell stories. In the last 30 years, photography has helped us to translate emotions, demonstrate our impact, bring a story to life, and connect audiences with patients they will never meet. One image can inspire and mobilize people to take action. Michael Amendolia has helped us to inspire and mobilize people to support eye health cause around the world. For example, Azmera is the cover of the magazine who her picture helped convey the impact of trachoma in Ethiopia. We have been using her portrait around the world in our efforts to eliminate trachoma.”  s

Bin Thalith emphasized, "HIPA Magazine is dedicated to providing added value to photographers and individuals interested in various forms of visual arts. We take great care in curating content that combines knowledge, humanity, visual aesthetics, and concise information, with the goal of inspiring photographers to create impact and share powerful stories. We extend a warm invitation to individuals from all corners of the globe to visit the HIPA website, explore this edition of the magazine in both languages, and share their thoughts, comments, and suggestions. We also welcome those with exceptional experiences in the world of photography to participate in upcoming editions."