Diversity has existed on earth since the beginning of time. It is one of the fundamentals of life that our ancestors have learnt and understood along with the wisdom behind it until it has become ingrained as intellect.

You may see diversity right in front of you, whether it be in an idea that inspires you or in a random and spontaneous visual comparison.

In all its vastness, the ‘Diversity’ category widens the doors of creativity allowing your photography to be filled with meaningful, empowering and expressive concepts.

This Twelfth Season also presents our photography community a special space for talented artists in the digital field to formulate digital creations, that convey the depths of their imagination, through the ‘Digital Art’ category.

For the seventh year in a row, the ‘Portfolio’ category continues to bring in great photographic works from photographers that have an awe-inspiring passion for visual story-telling.

Lastly, and definitely not least, the ‘General’ Category (Colour and Black & White) gives photographers the opportunity to soar to new heights of creativity without any restrictions in their path.



A global concept whose origins go back to the beginning of time; of which the meaning also changes constantly due to the fluctuations of time, place, events and circumstances.

Delving deeper into the essence of ‘Diversity’ tells us that it is a basis for coexistent thoughts, including the principle of tolerance, acceptance and the appreciation of differences to benefit all humanity.

The photo that perfectly captures the artistic aspect of ‘Diversity’ translates and evokes a response from the audience. It is one that brings to reality the wonders of the world we live in, highlighting how different yet similar we all are as we share a kindred purpose. 

Can your (photographer’s) photo have that subtle yet impactful effect on the viewer? Your understanding of the sublime meanings and connotations of ‘Diversity’, which is the differences and pluralism, should be engrained! It is your arena for creativity.


This category remains a favourite among photographers who have an outstanding eye for visual compositions that do not necessarily fall into any of the other categories. 

Year after year, this category has gained quality and depth, not to mention numbers, with over a third of all entries registered in the competition. 

We continue to offer participants two opportunities to participate in this category: Black and White - to give the deserved substance to this classic art form; and colour - giving participants the option to dazzle the jury and viewers with their vibrant compositions.


The Portfolio category returns once again to challenge you (photographer’s) to showcase your story-telling skills through a series of photographs. 

A strong photographic story delves into the heart of a subject matter and tells the story from your (photographer’s) perspective. 

A portfolio of photographs allows you to capture the hearts and minds of an audience in a way a single photograph cannot.



Do you have a great photograph, but it does not convey all the messages that you want it to? 

Do you feel that you are creative in the field of Fine Arts and are able to formulate digital formations that enhance the work that lives in your imagination?

Do you think enhancing your photograph digitally will take it to the next level? Then this is the category for you! 

Our fourth and final category is Digital Art.



  • Season Theme Diversity will be the main theme of the season.
  • Grand Prize The Grand Prize (USD $120,000) will be chosen from any category available this season, and not only from the main theme.
  • Submission Deadline Last day of participation will be on 30th June 2023 at 11:59 pm (UAE local time)
  • Special Awards There are THREE Special Awards for the Twelfth Season and they are; ‘The Photography Appreciation Award’, ‘The Photography Content Creator Award’ and the ‘Emerging Person/Organization in Photography Award’.
  • Other categories Other categories are; General, Portfolio and Digital Art

  • General category The General Category will have two sub categories: Colour and Black and White.
  • Black & White Participants are allowed to submit Black and White photographs in all categories except the ‘General - Colour’ sub category.
  • Photo Criteria Submitted Photo(s) must be in JPEG format, with high quality and resolution, of a minimum 5 MB in size, the minimum of the longest edge should be no less than 2000 pixel and the quality no less than 300dpi and to be suitable for publication.
  • Raw Photo Participants are NOT requested to submit the raw/original camera files at the same time of submitting their Photographs, but it will be requested from them if they qualify to the final stage of judging.
  • About (AI) Generated Images Photo(s) which have been generated wholly or partially using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools will be disqualified from the entire Competition without further notice. Entrance will be asked to declare that AI has not been used to produce their Photo(s)
  • Story Telling In the Portfolio category, participants are required to submit 5-10 photographs telling one story

Special Awards

The Photography Appreciation Award

There are many passionate people within the photography industry who are dedicated and relentless in their pursuit for excellence. These people offer their services and expertise without expecting a return on their efforts and therefore form a vital part of the photographic community.

The ‘Photography Appreciation Award’ is a special category for a person or group who has shown long-standing commitment to enhancing the art of photography. By awarding the recipient, HIPA hopes to give back a small amount of the respect and appreciation they deserve.

The Photography Content Creator Award

Service to photography is not limited to taking stunning photographs, but extends to editors, publishers, bloggers, researchers, inventors, promoters and all print and digital content creators that have had a positive impact on the industry and helped shape it to what it is today.

Emerging Person/Organization in Photography Award

This award is presented to an emerging person or organization that has shown outstanding work or vision in the photography industry on a regional, national or international level.

All winners of the Special Awards are to be exclusively selected by HIPA.

GrandPrize 120,000

1st 20,000
2nd 18,000
3rd 16,000
4th 10,000
5th 6,000
1st 15,000
2nd 10,000
3rd 5,000
Black and White
1st 15,000
2nd 10,000
3rd 5,000
1st 25,000
2nd 22,000
3rd 20,000
4th 18,000
5th 15,000
1st 15,000
2nd 13,000
3rd 11,000
4th 9,000
5th 7,000

Special Awards




GrandTotal 450,000


All the Prize money will be in US Dollars


  • You may submit up to one (1) Photo in each relevant category of the Competition including the sub categories under the General category, Except the Portfolio category where you can submit between 5 – 10 Photo(s); You must provide a title and description for each Photo submitted and a description for the set of photos in the Portfolio category.
  • The same Photo must not be submitted in more than one (1) category. Any Photo submitted in more than one (1) category will be discarded from the Competition.
  • Submitted Photo must be in JPEG or JPG format, with high quality and resolution, of a minimum 5 MB in size, the minimum of the longest edge should be no less than 2000 pixel and the quality no less than 300dpi and to be suitable for publication.
  • Participants are NOT requested to submit the raw/original camera files at the same time of submitting their Photographs, but it will be requested from them if they qualify to the final stage of judging.
  • Black and white Photo(s) are permitted in all the categories of the Competition except for the Color sub category under the General category.
  • Participants are allowed to submit a digitally manipulated photo only in Digital Art category.
  • For the Portfolio category, you are requested to submit a series of Photo(s) on the same subject matter. The number of permitted Photo(s) is the minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 Photo(s).
  • All submitted Photo(s) (must not contain any tag(s), signature(s), initial(s), frame, border(s), logo(s) or any other references and/or marks added by the Participant. Basic technical editing of the Photo(sis acceptable, provided any such editing does not affect the authenticity and/or genuineness of the Photo(s). Advanced editing used to create illusions, deceptions and/or manipulations; including compositing and creative retouching of the Photo(s) is prohibited. HIPA preserves the right to assess and discard from the competition any submitted Photo(s) deemed, at HIPA's own discretion, contrary to the foregoing.
  • Photo(s) that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive contents, including nudity, violence and/or any other contents deemed to be contrary to the UAE religious, cultural and/or public morals traditions and practices will be disqualified.
  • Photo(s) that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive contents, including nudity, violence and/or any other contents deemed to be contrary to the UAE religious, cultural and/or public morals traditions and practices will be disqualified.
  • Photo(s) which have been generated wholly or partially using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools will be disqualified from the entire Competition without further notice. Entrance will be asked to declare that AI has not been used to produce their Photo(s)
  • Photo(s) (that have won any previous award(s), whether in any HIPA prior competition(s), or in any other competition(s) whatsoever and announced before 30th June 2023, and/or Photo(s) that have been previously used, or are intended to be used, for any kind of commercial purposes, must not be submitted. Any Photo(s) submitted in contrary to the foregoing will be automatically and without further notice disqualified from the entire Competition.
  • HIPA's appointed judging panel shall assess and determine the winning Photo(s). The results, prizes and the winners will be announced in a public ceremony.
  • The winner(s) will be contacted by HIPA and must provide HIPA with their bank account details and personal details within seven (7) days from HIPA's request. The cash money prize(s) will be paid to each winner within a period of two (2) months following the announcement of the Competition's results.
  • Payment of the prize money is subject to obtaining the winner(s) legal documents required to process the bank transfer. Alternatively, the prize money can be collected in person via cheque, on receipt of valid photo identification.
  • HIPA’s judging panel has the right, at its absolute discretion, to turn down or reject any Photo(s) or Submission(s) without having to give any notice or explanation to the relevant Participant.
  • Any federal, state/ provincial/ territorial, and/or local taxes, fees and surcharges and taxes (whether foreign or domestic, and including income tax) on any prize that may be awarded to you under the Competition will be solely paid by you.
  • The decision of HIPA's judging panel is final and binding on all Participants in respect to all matters relating to the Competition.
  • Submitted Photo(s) must be a single work of original material created and/or taken by you, must not contain any materials owned or controlled by a third party for which you have not obtained a license, permission or approval to use, must not infringe the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
  • Upon reaching the final stage of judging, you grant HIPA, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free, sub-licensable right and license to use, publish, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, create derivative works, distribute, have distributed, print, promote your submitted Photo(s), in whole or in part, in any form, in all media forms now or hereafter known, anywhere in the world for any purpose, related to the Competition, the publication in HIPA promotional digital and/or printed materials and formats broadcast such as on HIPA magazines, printed leaflet and brochures, HIPA website and/or through other public online feeds, promoting subsequent competitions and/or the work of HIPA generally.
  • You must obtain, solely bear the cost for, and provide HIPA within seven (7) calendar days of any request to do so by HIPA, with any or all of the following:

    • A signed written consent, release and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person(s) appearing in your submitted Photo(s), clearly authorizing you to use their picture or likeness for submitting the Photo(s) in the manner contemplated by the Competition, and authorizing HIPA to reproduce, distribute, display, and create derivative works of the entry(s) for all purposes, in any media now or hereafter known. Please click here to download the draft of the Model Release Form.
    • A signed written license from the copyright owner of any sculpture, artwork, or other copyrighted material that appears in your submitted Photo(s), authorizing HIPA to reproduce, distribute, display, and create derivative works of the relevant entry(s) for all purposes, in any media now or hereafter known;
    • A signed written license from the owner of any private property included in your submitted Photo(s), authorizing HIPA to reproduce, distribute, display, and create derivative works of the relevant entry(s) for all purposes, in any media now or hereafter known; and
    • A signed written license or release letter from a person who has the right or is able to assert any right over the Photo(s) (e.g. employer, agency, etc) authorizing HIPA. HIPA to reproduce, distribute, display, and create derivative works of the relevant entry(s) for all purposes, in any media now or hereafter known. Please click here to download the draft of the Release form.
    • If you have been announced as a winner of the Competition (in any category), you grant to HIPA, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free, sub-licensable right and license to use, publish, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, create derivative works, distribute, have distributed, promote your winning Photo(s), in whole or in part, in any form, in all media forms now or hereafter known, anywhere in the world and for any purpose, including but not limited to: display at a potential exhibition of winners, publication of a book featuring select entries in the Competition, publication in HIPA materials and/or online highlighting entries or winners of the Competition, and promoting the work of HIPA generally.
  • You hereby hold harmless, release, indemnify and discharge HIPA and its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, agents and their employees, officers and representatives from all liability, claims, judgments, demands, controversies, agreements, damages, actions and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related in any way to the Photo(s), the Competition or the conduct of the Competition and the acceptance and use, misuse, or possession of any prize awarded, whether in law or in equity, no matter what the cause or nature, and you further waive any claims that you may state or assert against HIPA in association with the Competition or any of its associated activities, or in any way related to or resulting from the Photo(s), Competition even if such injury or claims results from or is caused by the negligence or gross negligence of HIPA, in whole or in part. You further agree to indemnify and hold harmless HIPA from any claim arising out of your participation in the Competition including, without limitation, all claims brought or asserted by any third party as a result of any injury or loss that you or they may sustain in any way associated with your participation in the Competition.
  • If HIPA, at its sole discretion, is of the opinion that you have breached any of the Rules, HIPA has the right to disqualify you from the Competition, and in such circumstances you must re-pay to HIPA all costs undertaken by HIPA in relation to your Submission(s) and participation in the Competition and the awards ceremony, including but not limited to (if and to the extent applicable) any travel costs incurred by HIPA, and re-pay the Competition prize money and return any trophies or certificates at your own cost to HIPA.
  • Under no circumstance HIPA will be liable for any:

    • lost, late, misdirected, stolen, illegible or incomplete Submissions;
    • error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, submitted Photo(s);
    • problems, failures or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, providers, computer equipment, software, email, players or browsers, on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, at any website, or on account of any combination of the foregoing;
    • incorrect or inaccurate information, caused by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Competition or by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of the Photo(s) and/or the Submissions; and/or
    • injury or damage to any Participant or to any computer related to, resulting from or in connection with the Competition.
  • If, for any reason, the Competition is not capable of being conducted as anticipated, due to computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of HIPA, which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Competition, HIPA reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Competition as deemed appropriate, disqualify any Participant, and/or select winners from all eligible Photo(s) submitted prior to the termination, cancellation, modification or suspension. HIPA reserves the right to correct any typo-graphical, printing, computer programming or operating errors at any time.
  • The Competition, your Submission(s) and the Rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Emirate of Dubai and the applicable federal laws of the United Arab Emirates, and any aspects or disputes arising out of or in connection with the Competition and/or your Submission(s) will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dubai courts (as established by Law No. (3) of 1992 and Law No. (13) of 2016).

This contest is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Apple Inc. The participants understand that they are providing information to HIPA and not to Apple Inc. Any questions, comments, or complaints regarding the contest should be directed to HIPA and not to Apple Inc.


Video Tutorial – “How To” Series

Please check the following video Tutorial about How to Register....

Please check the following video Tutorial about How to Login & Upload/Submit your images....

Please check the following video Tutorial about How to Reset the password....

General Questions

No, you cannot participate with any photo(s) that has / have already won in HIPA or any past competitions.

You can submit photos through the official HIPA website www.hipa.ae 

No, you cannot nominate others to take part on your behalf.

Please check your spam or Junk mail folders for any emails from HIPA, and make sure to add noreply@hipa.ae to your e-mail safe list.

Submitted Photo(s) must be in JPEG format, with high quality and resolution, of a minimum 5 MB in size, the minimum of the longest edge should be no less than 2000 pixel and the quality no less than 300dpi, and be suitable for publication.

You may contact HIPA through customer.helpdesk@hipa.aeif you encounter any issues with the uploading of photographs(s).

Click the following link to view all the prizes

Yes, that is possible except the Colour subcategory under the General Category.

Yes, there is no restriction on the date that submissions are taken on.

Yes, but deletion and / or replacement of photographs must take place no later than 3 days after the original upload.

  • ‘Diversity’ is the main theme of the Twelfth Season of competition.
  • Other categories in the Twelfth Season are: General, Portfolio and Digital Art.


Yes, a model release form will be required upon request from HIPA if you reach the final judging stage.

Yes, a brief description of minimum 30 words in length must be included with each photo in all categories. Except for the ‘Portfolio’ category you need to write a description for the entire portfolio

There are no fees whatsoever and the competition is completely free of cost.

The submitted photographs will appear in your dashboard.

Yes, as long as you possess the copyright for the photograph, and did not win any moral or material prize.

The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) is an international photography award established in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, in order to encourage and spread the culture of photography across the world.

The use of a photograph for the purpose of:

  • Sale or resale or for the purpose of producing a document containing all or part of the copy, printout or photograph for sale.

We encourage all individuals over the age of 18 from any part of the world to participate.

You may submit up to one (1) Photo in each relevant category of the Competition including the sub categories under the General category, except the portfolio category, where you must upload 5-10 photographs

Registration is available through the HIPA website; all rules must be read and accepted before registration.

You can participate with pictures taken with digital or analogue cameras, but submission must be done digitally online, so film photographs would have to be scanned by the participant before submission.

We accept photo descriptions in English or Arabic or both languages only.

Participants are NOT requested to submit the raw/original camera files at the same time of submitting their Photographs, but it will be requested from them if they qualify to the final stage of judging.


No, only participants who have their photograph(s) published in the annual book of the respective season will receive a copy of the annual book from HIPA's offices in Dubai, UAE.

There are 4 stages of judging at HIPA.

The identity of judges will remain anonymous until the completion of the current season.

Yes, judging is anonymous. Judges are not aware of participants’ names or details.

You will be notified via the e-mail address you provided during registration. If you are chosen as a finalist, then you will be asked to provide necessary documents to ensure that your personal details are correct.

It means you may be a winner and that your photo may also be published in our annual book / website gallery according to the achieved score.

Yes, you can, but HIPA still hold the right to use it as per the undertaking letter.

Yes, although winners will be asked to sign an undertaking letter that allows HIPA or any of its partners to use winning photos in our publications and all noncommercial purposes.

We have a system for judgment based on FOUR main stages.

Stage 1

  • The process begins with screening (filtration) of received photographs. In this stage, judges check all submitted photographs and check their compatibility with our rules and regulations. (Photographs here are marked either as qualified or not qualified).

Stage 2

  • Qualified photographs then move on to the first stage of actual judging by a group of judges (there are usually three groups of three judges) and the judges here give a score for the photographs between 1 and 100. Each judging group handles a specific category and in turn judge on selected photographs.

Stage 3

  • A percentage of the photographs (percentage differs according to total number of photographs) will be qualified to the third judging level where all the judges (usually 9) give another score between 1 and 100.

Stage 4

  • The HIPA team will also begin the verification process of participants within a certain time-frame. This will include request of legal documents such as model release forms and ownership statements in addition to copies of identification cards and / or passport copies, in addition to verifying all terms and conditions, and the result of this stage determines the winners in each category.
Technical Issues

Yes, you can see your submitted photograph(s) as soon as they are uploaded.

You may edit or update all your details (except your name and email address) by logging on to your member page on the HIPA website.


Sophie Stafford
United Kingdom

Website:              www.sophie-stafford.com 

Twitter:               www.twitter.com/strictlysophie

With a lifelong passion for animals and over 25 years of publishing experience, Sophie Stafford is a dedicated conservation communicator. Her journey began with a deep love for wildlife, evolving into a distinguished career. As the editor at BBC Wildlife Magazine in Bristol for nearly a decade, she directed the publication through a changing landscape, revitalizing newsstand sales, introducing digital platforms, and overseeing the transition from film to digital photography.

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Tim Flach
United Kingdom

Website:              www.timflach.com

Instagram:           www.instagram.com/timflachphotography

Tim Flach is a renowned photographer celebrated for his distinctive animal portraits. His artistic vision is driven by a profound desire to narrate the tales of the natural world, with his work standing out for its originality and its capacity to provoke contemplation about the role images play in the realm of conservation science.

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Sulaiman Almawash

Instagram:         www.instagram.com/sulaiman_almawash 

A graphic designer from Kuwait, Sulaiman Almawash was always captivated by the world of art found online - which led him to be one of the first artists to publish works that combined photography and digital technology to the Middle East. His proficiency in Photoshop allowed him to unleash his imagination and creativity, share his expertise and encourage people to explore and learn about Photo Manipulation.  

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Maurizio tentarelli

Website:              www.oasisphotocontest.com  

Instagram:           www.instagram.com/supertarillo

Born in Ivrea (Italy) in 1971, Maurizio Tentarelli developed a deep passion for photography from a young age. His journey in the world of photography led him to collaborate with various photography studios, where he honed his skills and acquired valuable techniques.

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Shem Compion
South Africa

Website:              www.shemimages.com

Instagram:           www.instagram.com/shemimages

Shem Compion is an adventurer, nature photographer, creative author and photography hide builder, obtained from years of observing birds from his self-constructed hides. With an unwavering dedication to sharing his love for the natural world, he is one of the few remaining professionals who have turned their passion into a full-time career in wildlife and nature photography.

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Grand Prize Winner

Massimo Giorgetta
Protected lives

Indonesia - North Sulawesi - Lembeh Strait: during a night dive called "Black water" I had the opportunity to meet a Jellyfish Tunicate of about 5 cm. inside and outside it was full of many animals such as crabs and shrimps and more, I was at a depth of about 10 meters. on a depth between 60 and 100 meters.

Mayfly arena

After a few decades, the spectacular endangered water insects Danube mayfly (Ephoron virgo) have returned to the river Danube in 2012, probably due to the increasing water quality (this species has disappeared from the rivers of Middle-Europe for decades owing to water pollution). Usually I spent 15-18 nights photographing mayflies every summer.

I have been taking photos on the quiet summer nights about the Danube mayfly have swarmed for 11 years. They came only after sunset, and afterwards more and more started to "dancing" just above the water surface. With a fisheye lens I managed to capture female and male mayflies chasing each other in an endless mass.

تنوع الكتب

مكتبة محمد بن راشد وتنوع الكتب وجمالها

all invited

just before sunset in Masai mara national park, one Hayena made a kill however, the other Hayena and the jackal tried to join the party. with low light conditions and fast-moving action, I was lucky to have them all in the frame.

Dawn's Whispers: Graceful Hoopoe Silhouette at Sunrise

A Hoopoe took flight with its wings spread in a smooth motion across the canvas of the early-morning sky that was illuminated up by the sunrise's bright hues. I saw that this bird would occasionally grab its prey in the air and other times on the ground.

Additionally, I observed that each time it caught a prey, it flew in the same direction to a nearby tree. That's when I had the idea to photograph the bird against a background with light and dark sides to represent the dark and light sides of existence.

Icebreaker Surrounded by Ice

The icebreaker is on duty near the main navigation channel of the St. Petersburg dam and participates in guiding ships along the ship's fairway in winter.

Seagulls dancing around the boat

A captivating scene unfolds as seagulls gracefully soar around the boat, their wings gliding through the air. Drawn by the offering of grains from the devoted souls on boat. They gather in a lively flurry manner indulging in nature's feast. A testament to the harmonious connection between human, wildlife, and the serene beauty of the river Yamuna in Delhi, India.

above the sun

At Masai Mara, during sunrise . There was Giraffe front of me and looking to me. I was waiting for the sun to rise to get more lights. At this time, I let more sunlights to be like cover the bottom of giraffe body to get this shot.


Antarctica has some of the most diversity of wildlife on the planet that thrive in these frozen conditions. from the largest to the smallest, this is a fragile ecosystem.

Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkiye

HATAY, TURKIYE - On February 6, a strong 7.8 earthquake, centered in the Pazarcik district, jolted Kahramanmaras, Gaziantep, Hatay and strongly shook several provinces, including , Sanliurfa, Diyarbakir, Adana, Adiyaman, Malatya, Osmaniye, and Kilis. More than 50 thousands people have been killed and many more were injured. The disaster left millions of people homeless. The quake was one the strongest in the last 100 years of the country.

Asian Elephants – The Challenge of Coexistence

Asian elephants today are seen as animals defined through the lens of culture, coexistence, and conservation. This essay examines some of the challenges for them to successfully coexist with humans. Close to 60% of Asian elephants live close to human populations with more of their habitat being lost every year.

Researchers hope a greater understanding of these elephants may mitigate much of the human elephant conflict that plays out today. The issues include poorly thought out agricultural and economic development in and around traditional elephant habitat, the effects of garbage dumps and cultivation close to national parks, the stress that elephant festivals place on these animals and the contradiction between deifying them and yet exploiting them.

There are also significant dangers for humans at these festivals, people are killed or wounded every year when panicked elephants run wild in crowds of thousands. There are also significant difficulties for humans living in rural areas, where daily encounters with wild elephants are a dangerous possibility and where, in one night, an elephant herd can wipe out a farmer’s livelihood. I have examined the work of researchers who see experienced Mahouts as key to a greater understanding of individual elephants and a more tailored human response to elephants deemed to be a threat.

I have also looked at the rise in the capture of wild elephants and how this threatens the integrity of herds in the wild. Research has shown that many elephants are individual thinkers. Conservationists say that it will be a case of how much we can learn to understand this individual thinking combined with how much we care that will ensure a harmonious future for threatened Asian elephants across their range.

I Wanna Be Messi

Football is not a privilege, it's a right. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, it is a universal language for millions of people around the world, regardless of their nationality, language or religion.

In Togo, there is a center for children with disabilities that provides specialized care to improve their quality of life. A new and safe home. In this forgotten part of Africa, children with disabilities are at high risk of abuse and neglect. People believe that disabilities are the result of divine punishment.

These minors (known as "snakes" because they lie on the ground) are considered "demons" and are drowned in the river in rituals "so that the snake will leave".Meanwhile, for these children at the Don Orione Center, it's all about football, which brings peace to their souls and freedom to their minds... Shouting happily, running free... It's more than a game. A beautiful compromise between hope and a new home. A great journey of time and memory through their new life, where they all dream of becoming the new Messi in search of their next goal...


Bob is a Caribbean flamingo, from the island of Curaçao. His life took a dramatic turn when he flew into a hotel window, leaving him severely concussed. He was cared for by Odette Doest, a local vet who also runs a wildlife rehabilitation centre and conservation charity – the Fundashon Dier en Onderwijs Cariben (FDOC).

Existing disabilities meant Bob couldn’t be released, but instead he became ambassador for FDOC, which educates locals about the importance of protecting the island’s wildlife. MEET BOB is an intimate love story about compassion and empathy.

This portfolio focuses on the new non-typical life that was given to Flamingo Bob as the bird-ambassador of FDOC. After his crash, things were not looking good for Bob. But his transformation and the way he is able to inspire an entire island community today, a is a reminder that individual actions, driven by love and empathy, can have an enormous positive impact on the world around us. *files are numbered 1 - 10 so that the portfolio can be seen in the right order.

Future Farming

Once upon a time in a picturesque countryside, there was a small farming community. Generations had cultivated the land, relying on traditional farming practices to sustain their way of life. However, as time passed, the unintended consequences of these practices began to emerge. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides had taken a toll on the environment.

The once-rich soil became depleted, and the water sources became contaminated, harming both wildlife and the health of the farmers themselves. The air, once fresh and clean, now carried the heavy burden of agricultural pollution. As the years went by, the damage worsened, and nature began to retaliate. Crops failed, and the once-thriving farmlands turned into barren wastelands. The impact on the community was devastating, and desperation set in. It became evident that if farming practices didn't change, the future would be bleak. However, farmers didn't want to change. Eventually, the consequences became unavoidable.

The environment deteriorated to such an extent that traditional farming became impossible without proper protection. In a haunting vision of the future, farmers were forced to wear hazmat suits and operate drones to carry out essential farming tasks. Nature had become hostile, and human intervention was required to survive.

The idyllic countryside transformed into a dystopian landscape. The story of this community serves as a cautionary tale. It highlights the urgent need to address the environmental impact of farming. If we fail to adopt sustainable practices, the consequences could be dire. It is crucial that we embrace innovative and ecologically responsible farming methods to ensure a future where farming harmonizes with nature, rather than forcing us into hazardous suits and relying on drones to preserve our existence.

While We Frame Our Happiness

I learn a lot from the ocean, and nothing is more satisfying to me than watching the continuous movement of the waves while the sun is moving down behind the horizon. I was walking back home on a fiery sunset day when I saw the scene of a random person from a far distance paddling his boat, the sea was strangely bright and the cloudy sky was saturated with colors.

This digital artwork reflects on one of my deepest thoughts of life’s main pursuits. It resembles our pursuit for happiness, salvation, and freedom, while paddling through the ongoing waves of life and the unexpected hardships to catch the light of hope shining on the horizon.

Being abondoned in the heart

When the family breaks up (there are many reasons) it is as if the world is falling apart at the seams and decaying for a child. It feels so alone and abandoned by everyone. The heart is lonely.

Special Award Winners
Frans Lanting

Frans Lanting is a master of his craft, and his work has inspired and amazed people all over the globe.

His photography is known for its stunning beauty, technical brilliance, and deep respect for the natural world. Frans possesses the unique ability of capturing the very essence of his subjects, whether they are animals, landscapes, or people.  According to The New York Times, “Mr. Lanting’s photographs take creatures that have become ordinary and transform them into haunting new visions.”

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Margaret Steber
United States

Margaret Steber, popularly and affectionately known by her peers as Maggie Steber, is an acclaimed and internationally recognized documentary photographer. Her photographic journey includes working in over 70 countries; delving into and photographing the depths of human condition and experiences.

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Fatma Almosa
United Arab Emirates

Fatima AlMosa, an Emirati photographer from Abu Dhabi, has firmly established herself as a prominent figure in the world of artistic photography, particularly in the realm of street photography where her true talent shines. Her rise can be attributed to her exceptional artistic vision, unwavering passion for photography and exceptional skills.

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